7 Surprising Facts About Infertility

7 Surprising Facts About Infertility

Infertility is an emotionally upsetting and discouraging health concern. In the United States, 1 in 10 couples faces infertility. Many couples who face infertility are often shocked to learn that they cannot conceive, mainly young, active, and healthy. 

The fact of the matter is, infertility can affect anyone.

The following facts about infertility will help you gain a better understanding of this issue:

Fact #1: Good Health is not a sign of Fertility.

You and your partner might be doing 30-minute power yoga sessions every day, eating a vegan diet, and have an enviable BMI. But this doesn’t mean you are fertile. In one-third of the cases, the cause is attributed to the female and about the same to the male. In the remaining third, the reason is unidentifiable. 

Unfortunately, the most significant impacting factor on fertility is something – good diet and lifestyle choices cannot influence: age. In a healthy woman, fertility begins to decline around age 27 and takes a big plunge at 37. 

Fact #2: Weight influences a woman’s ability to get pregnant.

Surprisingly, 12% of infertility cases are linked to weight issues. The female body must have a minimum of 22% body fat to make ovulation and reproduction possible. This means if you are severely underweight, over-exercised, or malnourished, you won’t menstruate. On the other hand, being overweight isn’t healthy either, affecting hormone density and preventing ovulation.

A body mass index of 19 to 25 is ideal. If you are overweight or underweight, losing or gaining weight will help remedy weight-related fertility issues. 

The weight doesn’t just affect fertility; it impacts pregnancy too. The March of Dimes states that women who are overweight and become pregnant are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes. Consequently, under-weight women are highly likely to have a low birth weight baby. 

Fact #3: Sexual positions do not affect conception.

There is no study to date that has found a correlation between sexual position and conception. The female’s bodily position impacts the sperm’s ability to reach the fallopian tubes because they start to swim immediately after ejaculation. 

Fact #4: Men also face a biological clock. 

Age-related fertility affects males as much as it does females. Studies have demonstrated that men above 35 have a more challenging time conceiving than their younger counterparts. 

Fact #5: A woman’s ovulation period is not the ONLY time to conceive a baby.

Sperm is capable of thriving for up to three days after ejaculating in the female reproductive region. This means having only during ovulation is not necessary. Knowing when a woman is most fertile is critical. Data from the American Infertility Association states that up to 20% of infertile couples are timing their intercourse incorrectly.

Fact #6: Your partner’s choice of undergarments has no impact on fertility.

In the past, dads were discouraged from wearing briefs because it was a widely held belief that if the testicles hang too close to the body, the scrotal temperature would rise, leading to reduced sperm concentration. The truth is wearing briefs does not raise the temperature that significantly harms sperm. 

Fact #7: Specific diets or foods do not influence fertility.

When it comes to fertility, there is no magic pill, food, or diet. The best advice to follow is to eat a well-balanced diet that incorporates all major food groups. Reduce your intake of alcohol, cigarette smoking, and processed foods. Although studies have demonstrated that eating folic acid and zinc positively influences sperm count, it does not mean you should go overboard. Consume everything in moderation. 

To understand fertility, it helps to sort out the facts. To learn more about fertility options, contact Rite Options center for surrogacy and egg donation.

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